Wednesday 26 February 2014

Different types of Exercises At Home for flat belly and toned legs

Obesity is gradually becoming a more severe problem among the population in general regardless of age around the globe.

There are exercises that can be done at home by any one or in dorm rooms to combat the menace of obesity. Contrary to various other arduous methods of slimming or reducing weight, no will power is associated with these exercises and one can achieve easy step by step progress following them. Just making these exercises a part of your daily routine will benefit with permanent weight loss.


While doing lunges, stand on your feet together with hands on your hips.  Take a large step in forward direction and bend your knees down into a lunge position.  Exhale while pressing back up to a standing position exhale; continue through another lunge. Optionally a barbell or dumbbells can be used.

Push Ups

Push ups is another such exercise. Put both hands and feet on mat and hands directly under shoulders.  Move knees back until the entire upper body is stretched out and back is flat.  Slowly lower down your body towards mat and inhale but ensure that your back is straight and no sag in the middle.  Exhale while bringing your position at starting position.  Repeat this cycle a few times. 

While doing crunches, lie on your back with knees folded and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind the head to support it. Keep your eyes towards ceiling through out the exercise. Contract your abs and raise your upper body a few inches off the floor.  Ensure that your back is straight and do not pull up with your hands.   Keep holding on this contracted position for a while and slowly lower down the back to its starting position. No equipment is required for this exercise; optionally an exercise mat can be used.

The above are some of the alternative methods to make you more active and free from obesity. These methods require no gym visits and helps in losing weight the natural way.  These can be applied at the backyard of your house even and no pills or supplements are needed for these exercises.    

Increase in physical activity and reduction in calorie diet has been recommended by most of the experts to lose weight permanently. Once you lose weight, you will have to maintain a healthy weight thereafter.  A 30 minutes moderate to intensive physical activity daily should be made a matter of daily routine.  Brisk walking or walking is such a simple and excellent form of physical activity that can be done by almost everyone which requires no diet monitoring and helps you in weight loss.

To reduce extra fat, exercise plays a significant role and helps to lose weight quickly.  Due to hectic and stressful schedules it becomes difficult for studHow to Have a Flat Stomach and Thinner Thighsents to do exercise or visit gyms in a regular manner. Routine little exercises and a little control over food habits,are the simple and quick ways to lose weight.  

10-minute legs, bums and tums home workout

How to Have a Flat Stomach and Thinner Thighs

[lose weight, weight loss, reduce weight, quickly lose weight, weight loss, quick ways to lose weight, quick way to lose weight]

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