Tuesday 4 March 2014

Top 8 Exercises to Lose Weight Quickly

Exercises play a very important role in any healthy weight loss program. If you exercise on a regular basis even for 30 minutes, you will yourself find  the amazing effects of exercise on your body. The popular exercises to lose weight quickly contain both toning aspects as well as cardio aspects because they both give faster results. However, here we will discuss top 8 exercises that are considered best to lose weight in natural ways without any side effects


Yoga is actually a kind of stretching. Now it is considered as one of those effective exercises to lose weight which is not only beneficial for your body but also has a relaxing effect on your soul. It tones your body and makes it more flexible. If you do simple yoga for 1 hour then you van burn up to 180 calories. However, if you do more complicated and advanced moves of yoga, you will burn more calories. Suryanamaskar is one of the top yoga moves used for losing weight fast.


Aerobics is another exercise which is considered good to lose weight in a faster way. It mainly targets your legs, bum and hips which are generally the focus in case of females. If you do aerobics 1 hour a day, you will get amazing results within 2 weeks. Two popular aerobic exercises to reduce weight are bench presses and step aerobics. However there are many others that help you to reduce weight quickly.


Bicycling is one of my favorite calorie burner exercise. One can burn 500 to 1000 calorie per hour with bicycling, depending upon one's speed. However if you don’t have time for cycling outside, then you can invest in a quality exercise bike. It is easy to lose weight with these exercise bikes. You can ride them while listening radio or watching TV. It is the one of the best exercises that reduces your weight faster. 


Obviously swimming comes on the top of the exercises to lose weight, especially in summer season. Doing swimming only for 1 hour can make you lose up to 2 kg in a week. It not only makes you lose weight but also tones your body.

Elliptical Burner

Elliptical burner is a great cardio exercise to lose weight. It helps in building your muscles strong and toning your stomach. If your elliptical burner is attached to a television or if you come along with your iPod or iPhone, then you can enjoy your TV episodes or listen to your favorite music, while doing hard work on the burner.


Walking is one of the easiest and best exercises for weight loss. It is a brilliant cardio workout that tones your stomach, legs and hips. Doing brisk walking daily will make your body more healthy and fit. With brisk walk you can burn 400 calories per hour.

This is an excellent exercise for the entire body. It helps you to lose weight in a faster way and you can enjoy the workout while doing it. Also, dancing is considered as a great stress reliever. With dancing, you not only lose weight but also remain fit and active the whole day.

If you love to jog then it can be one of the best means for losing weight quickly. Jogging helps you in burning approximate 1200 calories per hour. With morning jog, you feel very fresh and active. So jog everyday and quickly lose weight. 

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